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1.  What is Nasal Endoscopy?

A nasal endoscopy is a special tube like instrument equipped with tiny lights and cameras used to examine the interiors of the nose & sinus drainage areas and this examination is called Nasal endoscopy.

2.  Why it is advised by the doctor?

It allows the doctor to vies the findings which are not visible during a routine examination

3.  How is it performed?

A numbing drop or spray of local anaesthetic is instilled in to the nasal cavity. A rigid or flexible endoscope is then inserted to view the nasal cavity.

4.  What can be determined by nasal endoscopy?
  • Causes of sinusitis.
  • Nasal polyps.
  • Hypertrophied turbinates - The turbinates are the scroll-like structures in your nose which cleanse and humidify the air as it passes through your nostrils into your lungs. when the turbinates become enlarged, it will cause Congested or blocked nasal passage, known as Hypertrophied turbinates.


1.  What are nasal polyps?
  • Soft, painless growths on the lining of your nose or sinuses.
  • They hang down like tear drops or grapes.
2.  What are the causes of nasal polyps?
  • They can occur due to asthma
  • Allergy
  • Recurring infection or
  • Certain immune disorders
3.  What are the symptoms of nasal polyps?
  • Breathing problems
  • Loss of sense of smell.
  • Frequent infections.
4.  Treatment
  • Nasal sprays.
  • Sometimes surgery. Even after successful treatment, nasal polyps often return.


1. What are the common causes of headache?
  • Migraine.
  • Tension headache.
  • Sinus headache.
  • Others-Neurological.
  • Dental caries – referred headache.
2.  When to see a doctor?
  • Occur more frequently or severe than normal.
  • Don’t improve with commonly available pain killers.
  • Prevent you from working, sleeping or participating in normal activities.
  • Fever, fainting, disturbed speech. Vomiting etc.
3.  Avoid Headache by avoiding
  • Skipping meals.
  • Processed food- meat, cheese.
  • Chocolate, caffeine.
  • Stress.
  • Poor posture.


1.  What are the causes of hearing loss?

TwoTypes of Hearing Loss

  • Sensorineural hearing loss(Nerve related)-when hearing loss is due to problems of the inner ear, also known as nerve-related hearing loss.
  • conductive hearing loss(mechanical)-when hearing loss is due to problems of the inner ear, also known as nerve-related hearing loss.


  • Loud Noise exposure.
  • Hereditary.
  • Autoimmune inner ear diseases.
  • Otosclerosis - a hereditary disorder in which a bony growth forms around a small bone in the middle ear, preventing it from vibrating when stimulated by sound.
2.  Tips to maintain hearing health:
  • Wear earplugs when you are exposed to noise for a long time.
  • Try not to use several noisy machines at the same time.
  • Try to keep television sets, stereos and headsets at low volume.
3.  What can I do to improve my hearing?
  • Let friends and family know about your hearing loss and ask them to speak slowly and more clearly.
  • Ask people to face you when they are speaking to you. So you can watch their faces.
  • Use personal listening systems (Hearing aid) to reduce background noise.

VERTIGO - First Vertigo lab in Kerala

1.  What is Vertigo?
  • Feeling unsteady such as light headed, giddy or feeling a floating sensation.
  • It may be experienced as an illusion of movement of ones self or environment.
2.  What is motion sickness?
  • A nauseating (feeling like vomiting) brought on by the motion of riding in an air plane, roller coaster or a boat.
3.  What is the cause of vertigo/motion sickness?
  • Your sense of balance is maintained by

    a) Inner ear
    b) Eyes
    c) Spinal cord & brain
    d) Joints and muscles.

  • When the central nervous system receives conflicting message from the four systems, it can cause vertigo.
4.  When should I consult my doctor?
  • If you have never experienced dizziness before.
  • Experience a difference in symptoms you have had in the past.
  • Experience hearing loss.
  • Fever, headache, loss of consciousness.
5.  How is dizziness treated?
  • Basic Tests- Eye, Ear and Nose check up.
  • Additional tests of eye motion after warm water or cold water to stimulate inner ear.
6.  Prevention:
  • Avoid rapid changes in position.
  • Avoid rapid head motion.
  • Eliminate or decrease use of products with tobacco, caffeine, alcohol and salt.
  • Get enough fluids.
  • Treat infections- Ear infections, colds, flu, sinus congestion.
7.  For motion sickness:
  • Avoid strong odours or spicy or greasy food immediately before and during travel.
  • Talk to your doctor about medications.